
Shipping Policies

Most items are shipped within 1 to 5 business days via USPS (United States Postal Service) with tracking. Specific handling times (typically 1 to 2 business days or 4 to 5 business days) are detailed in the product description for each item.

Packages sent USPS First Class mail within the USA ship free unless otherwise noted in the product description. Delivery usually takes 3 to 7 business days. Shipments within the United States may be upgraded to USPS Priority Mail (1 to 3 business days) at additional cost.

For domestic orders (within the USA): if your item is lost or damaged during shipment, we will replace it free of charge or will issue a refund if the item is irreplaceable. In the event of loss, tracking has to show it as such. Damaged items have to be returned and received by us before replacement or refund. We will reimburse original shipping costs (if any) and provide a pre-paid return shipping label in the event of item loss or damage during shipment for domestic orders.

For international orders (outside of the USA): please note that we are not shipping internationally temporarily due to the pandemic.

Shipping Rates

Please note that the estimated shipping transit times provided below in parentheses are estimates, and we do not guarantee shipping transit times or receipt dates as these are outside of our control.

For shipments within the USA (domestic):

Mail Service Order Total Cost
 USPS First Class (Standard, 3 - 7 business days)  $0.00 and up  $0.00
 USPS Priority Mail (1 - 3 business days)  $0.00 and up  $10.99


Last updated: Saturday, June 12, 2022